The driver must be over 23 years old with at least 3 years of driving experience.
You’ll need:
Most of our rentals include unlimited mileage, but always check your rental agreement for specific terms.
Vehicles are provided with a full tank of fuel and must be returned with the same. Failing this, a refueling fee will apply.
Yes, additional drivers are permitted but must be registered at the time of rental. A small fee may apply for each extra driver.
In case of an accident, contact us immediately and provide a police report. It’s essential to follow all local traffic laws and terms outlined in your agreement.
Yes, all rentals include basic insurance, which covers third-party liability. Additional insurance options, like Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), can be purchased for extra coverage.
Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours before the scheduled pickup time. Late cancellations may result in a fee.
Yes, we offer extras like child seats, GPS devices, and Wi-Fi routers for a small additional charge. Please request these during booking.
Yes, we offer delivery and collection services at airports, hotels, and other locations across Cyprus. Fees may apply based on the location.
No, vehicles rented from RK Rentals cannot be taken outside the Republic of Cyprus.
We accept major credit and debit cards (Visa, Mastercard). Cash payments on delivery are also available at checkout.
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